
Strong Memories

Mariebergsskogen holds a unique history for each visitor. Some still recall the establishment of the Open-Air Museum and the plans for a Värmland version of Skansen. Others reminisce about the glory days of the 1950s and 1960s, with rows of world-famous artists on the Open-Air Theater stage, while many think back on joyful dance evenings, visits to the amusement park, and nature experiences in recent years. Regardless of age, everyone has memories of experiences and episodes. To understand the thoughts and values ​​behind today’s Mariebergsskogen, we must delve into history.

The Lady Gave Name to the Area

At the end of the 18th century, Lars Magnus Wester owned Marieberg’s manor. The estate then encompassed the present-day district of Marieberg, Galgberget (Kvarnberget), and parts of Viken. Lars Magnus Wester was married to Maria Magdalena (nee Uggla). The name Marieberg is believed to come from his wife. The couple’s son, Adolf Mauritz Wester, built the Manor House between 1826 and 1828. The house was originally white with pilasters and window frames in a gray-blue shade. Eventually, the house came into the possession of the auditor and treasurer Carl Magnus Höök.

A Promise Worth Keeping

Conrad Höök, who inherited the manor and the land from his father, placed great value on the forest and the beautiful surroundings. Therefore, he sought a guarantee that nature would remain untouched in the future. Being unmarried, Conrad Höök had no heirs of his own. Instead, he wished for Mariebergsskogen to be donated to the city of Karlstad, on the condition that the estate would be cared for and preserved. The donation to the city of Karlstad was executed upon Conrad Höök’s death in 1895. His plea has been followed over the years; the city has remained true to its promise, and Mariebergsskogen has been able to retain its unique character. Learn more about the history of Mariebergsskogen in Lennart Edberg’s book “Then, Now, and Then: A Story of Mariebergsskogen.”


During the 2010s, Mariebergsskogen functions as Karlstad’s city park. It is open every day, all year round, and admission is free.

Dr. Conrad Höök

To My Heirs!
If Marieberg is sold after my death,
then do not let the forest fall
into the hands of loggers. Instead,
donate it to the city, with a guarantee
for its future preservation and care.
This is my heartfelt plea!

Marieberg, May 3, 1892
Conrad Höök